Fall is here!

Lately, I’ve been inspired to crochet things in autumn colors, just because the calendar tells me that fall is here!  Weather-wise, it’s still pretty warm where I live, so it does feel kind of weird for me to wrap my animals in scarves and hats…  like this little guy I finished recently.  Believe it or not, he started out as a squirrel, but part way through, I decided he didn’t look squirrelly enough and I turned him into a bear.  I was going to get all ambitious and try to make an awesome furry tail out of eyelash yarn, but I guess that’s a project for another day!  I was also going to make him a warm, cozy scarf for his neck, but my attempts were not satisfying and I’ve decided he shall go without.  A hat and boots will suffice!

On a side note, hooray!! The ZOOMIGURUMI book is going to be published!! I am thrilled at the speed of which the $7500 goal was met!  You amigurumi enthusiasts are awesome!! I cannot wait to hold this book in my hands.  I have such high hopes that this book will be a huge success and will continue to sell loads online and in craft stores!  I bet all the contributing designers are going to bed tonight with big smiles on their faces!!  And of course the biggest smile belongs to the lady behind amigurumipatterns.net!  All her hard work is going to pay off!


The most awesome amigurumi book you will come across is now available for pre-order!  This is such exciting news!  The book contains 15 original amigurumi patterns from 12 different designers around the world.  The brains at amigurumipatterns.net have carefully compiled a really amazing and diverse collection of different amigurumi animals.  There are elegant, simple designs for the beginner amigurumist and more complex and challenging designs for the more seasoned crochet artist.  Basically, there’s something for everyone in this book!! (Can you spot my contributions?) Please visit this site by clicking on the image below for more information!! Support us by ordering your copy today!


FREE pattern – Mochi the bunny!!

I have FINALLY finished my free pattern for all you lovely fans.  I’ve been meaning to do it as a thank you for reaching 100 likes on my Facebook page and it’s taken me this long to put it all together. It took me a while to figure out how to set it up so you can download it off my site.  This is not easy for a blogging newbie like myself!!

I present to you, Mochi the bunny – an Amigurumi Gem.  I plan to start a new collection of mini dolls that I’m nicknaming “gems”.  Has a nice ring to it, I think. 🙂

Thanks so much, everyone! Thank you for visiting me on FB, for leaving kind words, for liking my creations, for all the support! I will try to keep the designs coming!

CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW for the PDF pattern! Enjoy!

FREE Mochi Bunny Pattern!

Me? In a book??

Exciting news!! Two of my patterns have made it into a new Amigurumi book that will be available for pre-order soon!  The book will feature 12 original amigurumi animal patterns and I must say that I am humbled by the company I am keeping.  The other designers who will be featured are awesomely (is that a word?) talented.. just wait until you see some of their creations! I don’t know all the details yet as to when the book is ready but I will keep you posted! Keep checking back!  The patterns are being compiled by the brains behind amigurumipatterns.net. (that’s their monkey logo, by the way)  The site is a shop of really cute and imaginative amigurumi patterns made by different designers around the world!  It’s a must-have in your bookmarks if you are an amigurumi enthusiast! You can find all sorts of really unique and creative patterns there!  Check it out!  And follow them at http://www.facebook.com/AmigurumiPatterns.net!  You won’t be sorry! It’s one my faves!


Another doll completed!

Ok, so I’m finally done with the 3rd doll in this collection!  Now I’m completely at a loss as to what the 4th character should be… I’ll have to play around with some sketches and figure it out. It’ll come to me…. hopefully!  Anyways, take a look at my newest creation!  I’m pretty happy with it because all my previous attempts at making cows were pretty disastrous.  I don’t know what it is.. I usually mess up the snout part somehow, but thankfully it seems to have come out ok this time around!

Early on, I made this sketch of a few of the dolls I envisioned.  See how the 4th doll is missing? Even early on, I had no clue as to what I was going to make. All I know is that I want 4 in the collection. Why? I have no idea! There is no rhyme or reason for it.

Now I’m going to take a short break from this collection to work on a few other crochet projects that I have to finish up!  Talk to ya soon!!


A New Collection!!

Ok, so I started something really ambitious for myself.. I am attempting to make a small collection of dolls with a theme!  It all started with a little dog doll that I made, who I dressed in a cute little apple sweater.  The colors reminded me a little bit of Autumn and I thought it would be cute to add a backpack, since Autumn makes me think of the first day of school.  And wouldn’t it be fun to make a bunch of “friends” for this dog (who shall be named Fuji, after my favorite apple)?   So I am planning to give Fuji 3 best friends to hang out with.  I’ve finished the first friend, a sassy little cat named “Neko”.  I’m just starting on the next friend but it’s in it’s early stages so I won’t give anything away quite yet.   I am trying to make each doll with bright, eye-catching color combinations.  I also want to add a whimsical element to each one. (ie.. apple, flower..)   I haven’t officially written up the patterns to these yet.  I think I will wait until I have completed the collection.  I was hoping to finish everything by the end of August but that might not happen because there’s lots to do this month! Exciting stuff!  I will share more soon! 🙂




Many years ago, before I even heard about amigurumi, I decided I wanted to crochet a doll.  After searching and searching online, I found a free pattern for a little teddy bear and I started with that.  It didn’t turn out as well as I thought  and I ended up scrapping the project.  But , it was from that one pattern that I learned how to crochet in spirals and I learned how and when to increase/decrease to make different shapes.  I found it mildy interesting but after that attempt, I put my crochet hooks away and didn’t touch them again for a very long time.  It was only after I saw some amazing characters in a magazine (amiguru-what?? I couldn’t even pronounce the word) that I realized what incredible things could be made with the few skills that I had!   I was completely inspired to try making my own dolls.

When people see my dolls, they might say things like “Oh my goodness! You are so talented!  How in the world did you make these?”  Well, here’s the secret that many of you already know…making amigurumi dolls isn’t hard at all!  In fact, it’s really quite easy!  You need only  know the very basics to be able to create something really cool and adorable!  (Of course if you want to embellish your dolls and make them really REALLY cool, then you need to have some extra skills.  I myself am working on this)

Apart from the basic single crochet, one of the most important skills to master is definitely the magic ring.  I start almost every piece of my dolls with this technique.  I  learned years ago from an online picture tutorial of how to make this.  Unfortunately, I have no recollection of which site I visited!  So I will be posting my own pictures of how to make the magic ring in the near future.  I feel that I should  pass along my knowledge to someone who is starting out, just like I was those many years ago!  Stay tuned!

The first post…!


Wow, I can’t believe I have my very own Little Muggles website to present to you!  Let me kick off this launch by presenting my newest creation, Lavender Bunny.  This doll is about 11 inches tall (including her ears).  I wanted to make something cute and girly, but elegant at the same time.  This is the first time that one of my dolls is actually wearing a dress, rather than having the dress crocheted as part of the body.  Unfortunately, you can’t remove the dress because it won’t slide off her bottom.  The only way to remove it would be to remove her head, but I don’t think you want to do that! 😉  I will definitely be experimenting with new clothes and accessories for my dolls in the future!  The little flower detail is a first for me as well!  I found a great book today for crocheting flowers so look for more floral details to come!  I’ll be working on the pattern for Lavender and it should be available for purchase very soon.  Look for it on Etsy and Craftsy!  I hope you like Lavender and I hope you like my new site!  Please visit again and again and tell me what you think!!