Happy New Year!


Happy Lunar New Year!
Happy Lunar New Year!

Another year, another zodiac animal! As you can see, it’s going to be the Year of the Horse!! if you’re a horse, you are turning 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, or 108!  🙂  I can’t think of anyone I know that has this sign… “Horse” people are supposedly pleasant, and easy-going.  They’re extroverts and are full of good humor-he or she is usually the life of the party!  They are also supposed to be very frank and direct, almost to the point of tactlessness.  Does this fit the personality traits of any of your “Horse” friends?

Since returning from my holiday overseas trip,   life has quickly gone back to the usual routine.  Getting up, going through the chaotic  morning ritual of packing the kids off to school, running errands, thinking of and preparing dinner… (WHY do people have to eat dinner every night? It would be so much easier if we just ate less often…like once a week!)  I’ve been adding extra crochet time into the mix in preparation for the upcoming Zoomigurumi 3 book!  Amigurumipatterns.net is once again compiling 15 new designs for the new edition and it’s set to be released in the Spring of 2014, which is just around the corner!  Follow  the Amigurumipatterns.net  Facebook page for more updates and other links/news about super cute amigurumi patterns!

The Zoomigurumi books have been wildly popular and are currently on Amazon.com for purchase.   Perhaps they will be available on the shelves here in the US one day.  That would be so awesome!  I feel extremely honored to be included once again!!  I just recently packed off my 2 contributions, Cuddles the Sheep and Clementine Cow.

Bye bye, animals!

They’re off the Belgium and will be used to promote the book.  I had to find the smallest box to fit Cuddles, which is a pretty huge amigurumi!! I tried warning everybody of her size but I don’t think you can really appreciate how big she really is unless you see her in relation to a person.  So let me add a picture of my son holding this doll.  He’s shy, so you can’t see his face. 🙂

So huggable!
So huggable!

See how cuddly and soft she looks?  Too bad I don’t have any daughters.  None of my boys are the least bit interested in playing with my crocheted animals.  I did make a few Angry Birds, which they threw around for a short while, but that fad faded pretty fast for them.

Till next time, XOXO and happy crocheting!



Asian Zodiac Animals

Dragon, Tiger, Cow
Dragon, Tiger, Cow


I finally finished the 3 dolls that my friend commissioned me to make!  Each will be gifted this Christmas to a niece or nephew, and each represents the Asian Zodiac animal for his/her birth year.  What a neat idea, right?  I hope the kiddos like them!  I’ve always wanted to make all the Zodiac animals so this was a good motivator to get me going on this project.  I don’t foresee myself finishing all 12 animals anytime in the near future, but I think I’ve got a pretty good start already.  Let’s see, the 12 animals are the Rat, Cow, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.



My plan is to eventually make new Zodiac versions of each animal.   In the meantime, I can use existing dolls to represent the animals…  ie. Mochi or Wasabi for Year of the Rabbit would work nicely!    I’ve got a long way to go to make all the signs.   No worries though!  As long as I’ve got the animal done for the current year, I’m happy.  Which animal sign are you?  I’m a Cow (ok, that doesn’t sound so nice) and my husband is a Tiger.  According to the horoscope, I am supposedly hard working and persistent.  Hmmm I’m not sure if that’s completely accurate!  My tiger husband is supposedly confidant, courageous, and dynamic. That’s probably true.  But I’m not really one to be superstitious!! 🙂

2013 Year of the Snake


Year of the Cow (Ox)
Year of the Cow (Ox)


Year of the Pig


Year of the Horse
Year of the Horse
Year of the Tiger
Year of the Dragon
Year of the Dragon
Year of the Rabbit
Year of the Rabbit
Year of the Monkey
Year of the Monkey